Add Your Favourite Songs to Welcome Students to our Amazing City

Manchester has long been the UK’s music hub and now’s your chance to show off your favourite artists. Unite Students has created a playlist to showcase the amazing talent in our city, as a way of welcoming new students moving to the city.

Manchester music isn’t all about Parkas and bucket hats. We’ve got a long history of creating unique music that inspires not just the rest of the UK, but people all across the globe.

The Big Drive Manchester playlist is celebrating our musical heritage and it’s up to you to add your favourite bands from the area. Be it pop-culture icons like Oasis and New Order or more up-and-coming artists such as Cabbage and Pale Waves, the power is in your hands.

The idea – and the name for the playlist – originated from the fact that 84% of students will drive to university with one or both parents, and it’s a memorable moment that stays with both student and parent for a long time. Unite Students – the UK’s largest student accommodation provider, which provides a home for 2,336 students in Manchester - wanted to enrich the experience further by allowing students to listen to music from their soon-to-be new home on the way there, as recommended by Manchester residents.

The hope is the playlist will help students settle into their unfamiliar surroundings that much quicker – and fall in love with the sound of the city along the way.

Remember, you can keep up to date with everything that's happening in the city by following Visit Manchester on Facebook and Twitter, and keeping up to date with out What's On Guide

Follow the playlist below and add your favourite Manchester artists today.